
What is a typical hypnosis session?

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/10/2018)
Welcome to Trailhead Health. Have you ever wondered what happens in a typical Hypnosis session? When a client comes into my office they never know what to expect and everybody naturally is a little nervous because you don't know, so we spend time talking about what's going to happen. At the typical start of our session we'll spend a few minutes talking especially on the return, how was your week, what happened, you know, what did you see improve, what were your challenges and then we'll go to the chair and we'll do hypnosis together. I would love to tell my …

10 Ways You Can Reverse the Negative Effects of Sitting All Day

Dr. Sarah E Petrich, PT, DPT, PRC, PMA®-CPT practices at Studio U and has 19 years of experience (07/10/2018)
You’ve likely seen a headline like this recently: “Sitting is the new smoking”. Study after study is showing that our sedentary lifestyles are causing all kinds of health problems (diabetes, cancer, heart disease to name a few), and even early death. As physical therapists, we see yet another side effect of “sitting syndrome” – back and neck pain. If there wasn’t a car accident or other injury to bring on the pain, it’s often due to – you guessed it – sitting.  So what do you do now? If you have to work all day at a desk job, are you doomed? No …

4 Reasons to See a Physical Therapist

Kristin Procopio, MPT, Senior Pilates Instructor practices at Studio U and has 29 years of experience (07/10/2018)
Is there a nagging pain in your body that you’ve been hoping will disappear on its own? Or an activity (maybe one you used to love) that you’ve been avoiding because it is causing you pain? Or perhaps you are feeling fine, but want your body to perform better in certain situations. These are all great reasons to seek out a physical therapist. Physical therapists are experts in how the body moves, and their job is to restore and maximize mobility. Read on for 4 common situations where physical therapy can help. To put it simply – if there is something …

Exercise for Cancer Survivors

Dr. Sarah E Petrich, PT, DPT, PRC, PMA®-CPT practices at Studio U and has 19 years of experience (07/10/2018)
Going through cancer is a traumatic experience, both physically and mentally. For survivors, the process of healing from the ordeal can be a challenge in itself. While healing mind and body will take time, exercise can have a profound positive impact for cancer survivors. One problem that cancer survivors face is diminished trust in their bodies. Local personal trainer Cathy Skinner developed a program called the Cancer Survivor Wellness Program to help reverse that mistrust through exercise. Specific focus is placed on building strength, balance and flexibility while also addressing weight management. While study after study has shown that virtually anyone can …

Healing Advice: Advanced Physical Therapy

Kristin Procopio, MPT, Senior Pilates Instructor practices at Studio U and has 29 years of experience (07/10/2018)
If it hurts to move in a certain way, or you feel a pain when you do a particular activity – enough that it bothers you on a regular basis – it’s time to see a physical therapist. But if you’re recovering from a serious illness, injury or surgery, advanced physical therapy will likely be a necessity for you. Rehabilitation physical therapy (or rehab physical therapy) can be a slow process, but it’s essential to go at a sensible pace that allows you to rebuild your strength and capabilities over time. Whether your strength’s been sapped or you need to learn …

What is Hypnosis?

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/16/2018)
How do you explain to someone who has concerns or some of the things that people very commonly will tell me, when I use the word hypnosis, they say I don't want anyone messing with my mind and you know understandable. How do you explain hypnosis to someone that's coming from that place of reservation?   Well, I have to pick this out because this is what we think of hypnosis right? I don't use this in my practice. I used it for the first time in five years, yesterday, with a client who is quite elderly and that was her …

Hypnosis Before Surgery? Pain and Opioid Crisis

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/20/2018)
Hypnosis Before Surgery? Pain and Opioid Crisis Welcome to Trailhead Health. In this video we ask Roberta Fernandez a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Hypnosis Instructor how she became interested in hypnosis and listen to what she has to say about pain management, opioids and hypnosis. Hi there, I‘m Roberta Fernandez, I’m a Board Certified Hypnotist here at the Fare Hypnosis Center. I’m also a Certified Hypnosis Instructor. We bring people into the training center and we teach them how to be a hypnotist and certify them.  We are one of just two schools that are licensed to do that in state …

Children and Hypnosis

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/20/2018)
Welcome to Trailhead Health. In this video, Roberto Fernandes, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor explains how hypnosis can be beneficial for children. I also work a lot with children. Usually six and above the child has to have a certain level of maturity to be able to work with them, but I do a course called Parents Are Hypnotists Too. I used to own a Montessori School. I found it in Florida and ran that for 11 years and we had children from 3 to 12. I wish I would have been a hypnotist then because I could have been …

Uncovering Root Causes of Common Concerns Using Hypnosis

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/20/2018)
So you know, January 4th was World Hypnotism Day and I always joke when my clients say, “Well why January 4th? What does that mean to me?”  I laugh and I say, “Well that's about how long it takes to break your New Year's Resolution!” January is a busy time for me. People come in for all kinds of reasons. They want to find love, they want to lose weight, they want to stop smoking, they want to take responsibility for themselves or change their life in some way; we usually find that it takes more than a resolution in order …

Top Reason People Seek Hypnosis

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/20/2018)
Welcome to Trailhead Health. Hypnosis has many applications. What are some common conditions that people can use hypnosis for? Ok, so Roberta there are applications of hypnosis in so many different areas. In your experience what are maybe the top conditions or issues for which people seek Hypnosis. Well, they range the gamut. Most of them are emotionally based and I know for some people that might sound really strange. Well, I'm sleeping, sleep is the problem. Or I'm overweight, the food is the problem or I'm in pain, stress. Those are all emotion driven so at the basis of pretty much …

Is Hypnosis Right for Me?

Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (07/20/2018)
Roberta, in terms of success stories, could you share some of your patient’s experiences with us? As far as success stories, oh my gosh you know, it just depends on what you're talking about. Pain, I had a woman drive from Wisconsin and she came over for what I call an intensive. So she spent four solid days, we worked together, rather than spreading it out over time. There's some advantages and disadvantages to doing it that way but, she was out of town. She had fibromyalgia for 20-some years. She had to take a nap at 4 o'clock. She couldn't …

Why is the Medical community so confused about Lyme Disease? Dr. Andrew Litchy, ND explains

Question from a consumer on Lyme Disease: So Dr. Litchy, why is the medical community so confused about Lyme disease? Why is it so complicated? Dr. Litchy's response: Well, it is very complicated right now, and currently the medical community is very divided, or at least very concerned about even the existence of chronic Lyme. So there's a lot of reasons for this. Number one, this is one of the first bacterial infections we've encountered that is not always eradicated with one to two meds of very intensive antibiotics. It's not acting like other infectious diseases we've seen before. Two, testing is complicated. …

About Lynda Enright - Nutrition Expert Lynda Enright shares her personal story

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (07/22/2018)
Lynda Enright's personal story. Overcoming IBS by understanding food.

Dr. Dana Schomberg shares her personal story.

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/24/2018)
Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC shares her personal story and how she found chiropractic care. Hi there my name is Dr. Dana Schomberg and I am a chiropractor at West End Chiropractic & Wellness. And as a chiropractor, you could say that I specialize really in all conditions relating to the spine but it goes a whole lot deeper than that. I guess to give you a little background about myself, I grew up in La Crosse, Wisconsin on a farm, in a little town with maybe the overall mentality if it's not broke don't fix it. Well, the chiropractic philosophy is a …

Subluxation - Issues that can happen with a misaligned spine. Dr Dana Schomberg explains

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/25/2018)
Question: Subluxation is a big word. Its kind of intimidating. Can you talk a little bit to that word? What it is, and what it means, and why our consumers should be concerned with it. Dr. Dana Explains: Subluxation is a big word but it's a pretty simple concept I guess. I'm sitting next to my model spine so I'll go ahead and pull this thing out and kind of explain what a subluxation is. For those of you watching, you maybe have seen these before, this is the model of a spine. This is where the back of the head is and …

Understanding Whiplash - What can a car accident or a bad fall do to your body?

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/26/2018)
In this video: Why it’s important to seek chiropractic help after car accidents or falls. One of my more recent patients came in about three weeks ago because they were involved in a pretty significant car accident. They were sitting at a stoplight and not necessarily paying attention to the person approaching them from behind, but the speed limit was 50 miles an hour and the person unfortunately ran into my patient rear-ended them. The other vehicle is going 50 miles an hour and this poor woman was completely at a dead stop. She suffered aggressive flexion and extension in her neck. Her …

How often do I see Chiro for my back pain? Dr. Dana Schomberg answers our question

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/27/2018)
Dr. Dana one concern out there with some people, some patients, is that well, if I go see a chiropractor for my back pain, will I have to see them every month, for the rest of the year, or will I have to see them every other month for the rest of my life? Are there patients you have, that only come to you once or twice and feel just huge difference and amazing? There's actually two different types of patients that we treat in here. We'll kind of talk about that first time patient that you mentioned. A lot of …

Dr. Dana Schomberg shares her experience with the Minnesota North Star Roller Derby

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/30/2018)
Another exciting thing that I've been able to do as a chiropractor, is work with some athletic teams around the metro area. One of the main teams that I work with is the North Star Roller Derby. Basically they are roller derby athletes, a group of women that skate around after work, and they are super athletic and they're super strong and they are just so inspirational. What I do with them is about three to four times throughout their season I go into their practice space and I watch their mechanics and I make sure that they're skating correctly, and …

Fluid Buildup in the ear due to ear infection can be resolved easily - Dr Dana Schomberg explains

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/31/2018)
In this video: Patient story about an 8 month old baby with severe ear infections. One of my most recent favorite patient testimonials or patient success stories is about an 8 month old little boy and he came in to see me originally with his mother of course, because he had tremendous ear infections. He was actually on his fourth ear infection and his mom didn't want to give him a fourth round of antibiotics because the third round of ear infection antibiotics that he was on, didn't even hardly help, and that's why he ended up with this fourth one. Unfortunately as …

Dr. Dana Schomberg at West End Chiropractic, talks about the first patient visit. What to expect?

Dr. Dana Schomberg, DC practices at West End Chiropractic & Wellness and has 15 years of experience (07/31/2018)
When a patient comes in for the first time, we always have them fill out a brief questionnaire of any symptoms they might be experiencing, any previous chiropractic experience, what their goals are, and some generalized health questions. Then after they're done filling that out, I always meet with the patient one-on-one and we sit and chat for about 15 minutes. Because I want a really, really good, thorough history of what's been going on, why it's bothering you, and how I can help you. Often times people will come in with a pain complaint and I want to figure out …

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