Is there a nagging pain in your body that you’ve been hoping will disappear on its own? Or an activity (maybe one you used to love) that you’ve been avoiding because it is causing you pain? Or perhaps you are feeling fine, but want your body to perform better in certain situations. These are all great reasons to seek out a physical therapist.

Physical therapists are experts in how the body moves, and their job is to restore and maximize mobility. Read on for 4 common situations where physical therapy can help. To put it simply – if there is something that hurts on a regular basis, it’s time to check in with a physical therapist!

1. Recover from an injury

One of the most obvious reasons to see a physical therapist is to help you recover from a traumatic injury. In this case, you will likely be referred to a physical therapist by your doctor as a vital part of your treatment. In addition to your actual sessions, physical therapists provide you with a plan to manage and care for your injury at home. Most importantly, they’ll give you tips to avoid re-injuring yourself.

2. Relief from chronic pain

Nagging pain during certain movements or activities is another perfect reason to see a physical therapist. At best, this pain is annoying and keeping you from enjoying activities that you love. At worst, ignoring it can cause the pain to intensify or spill over into other areas of your body. It is not uncommon to see people with an initial chronic injury and then a second injury caused by trying to avoid the pain.

3. Improve athletic performance

Many people assume that athletes only see a physical therapist for rehab after they get hurt, or that only the elite athletes that you see on TV use physical therapy. However, healthy athletes at all levels use physical therapy when they want improve athletic performance, run faster, and build strength.

4. Rehab after having a baby

It’s no secret that pregnancy, birth, and caring for small children is tough on your body. As a busy new mom, you may be tempted to take the “wait and see” approach when it comes to these pains. You don’t need to live with back or pelvic pain after pregnancy. These problems often get worse, not better, as women age. A physical therapist will help you heal and strengthen the body parts that have taken a beating from your new bundle of joy!

Could you benefit from physical therapy? Contact us to schedule a session.