Our consumers asked - Is it fat or sugar, which is worse?
If we start eating healthy, can we truly reverse the damage we do to our bodies from years of bad eating?
How long does it take to develop healthy habits?
Should food be considered fuel or a source of pleasure, which is it?
Is my sweet tooth a preference of an addition?
Why do mean love love love their meats and women love their sugars? These are just some of the questions our expert nutritionist and educator answers for our consumers.
Dr. Ron Hanson, M.D., Pioneer in Regenerative Medicine practices at Orthocure Clinic and has 22 years of experience (08/04/2018)
Thinking of a Stem cell procedure for your spine, knee, nerves, arthritic joints or orthopedic issue? Watch this video first!
Is Stem cell therapy good or bad? Should we be using our own tissue or tissue from fetal cells, amniotic tissue or umbilical cord? What is safer? What is the FDA's stance on it? Dr. Ron Hanson, MD, the pioneer in Sports and Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine, explains what a consumer should know before deciding how to use Stem cell (Regenerative Medicine) to help manage their disease.
It's a Wild, Wild Ride. . .Is it over yet? Our current state of affairs in America is creating a field of unstable, chaotic energy. Opinions abound, people are polarizing and further dividing from those who don't agree with their views and opinions...
While others are finding their voice and strength to SPEAK UP as demonstrated by the Women's March this weekend, and many other political activist groups.
Here is what I know for sure. . .
Our situation is a reflection of what we have created this far so that we can decide who we are and what kind of future we want …
What is Integrative Space? See footage of Carole Hyder applying the principles of Modern Design in Healthcare with Feng Shui in a doctor's clinic in Edina, Minnesota
Dr. Brian Gervais, DC, CCSP practices at Chanhassen Chiropractic and has 17 years of experience (08/22/2018)
Fix Shoulder pain and Frozen shoulder with Active Release Techniques (ART®). Dr. Brian Gervais has full body certification in Active Release Techniques (ART®) and teaches these techniques to doctors and practitioners throughout the country. In this video, he explains how Active Release Techniques (ART®) can help resolve frozen shoulder and pain.
Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (08/27/2018)
Q& A with Dr. Wilson, Holistic Allergist, in Minnesota. Dr. Wilson has been helping people get rid of their allergies for the past 50 years. In this interview, he answers common consumer questions about allergies.
Good news: We don’t have to live with allergies, we can eliminate them! But first we have to understand what allergies are, how do we know what we are allergic to and then how to eliminate them.
Question: What are allergies and how come what you do helps them and eliminates them?
Dr. Wilson explains: Well, we develop allergies for a couple of main reasons.
One is because of …
1 in 8 Women will experience Breast Cancer in their life. (According to National Cancer Institute)
Early Breast Cancer Detection can make a BIG difference.
Mammography is the primary diagnostic tool for breast cancer screening and detection.
Digital Thermography is an important adjunct used along with Mammography for Breast Health Screening. This video is Q&A between Digital Thermography Callie Eide and Trailhead Health.
Are you ready to jump into fall feeling amazing!
It’s my passion to help you break the endless cycle of dieting, which is why I’ve developed a 14-Day Whole Foods Cleanse!
I learned many years ago that simply eating real whole foods and cutting out the processed foods can make a world of difference in how you feel.
But there is even more to healthy eating ...
What I know now is that inflammation is at the root of so much of what ails us and finding a way to reduce that inflammation can be the jump start to get your health on the …
Let's talk a little bit about the Webster technique and pregnancy. Can you explain to someone who doesn't really know or has not worked with a chiropractor in the past, when they're pregnant, why going and seeing a chiropractor why that is so important and what the Webster technique is?
Yes, so the Webster technique was formerly known as the breech turning technique, that babies that were breech or were facing the wrong way, not head down, they would be adjusted and helped turn the baby. And so, it's kind of gotten away from being known as a breech turning technique …
This video is part of our Educational Series at Trailhead Health, where our community of amazing Doctors and Practitioners share their experiences to help answer your health related questions.
The aromatherapy patch is a new delivery system that we really needed in aromatherapy. It was invented by a Minneapolis man who is a biochemist. He developed a patented material that the essential oil is placed onto that's inert and it does not interact with the purity of the essential oil in any way. It holds it and essential oil molecules are volatile. They dissipate and evaporate quickly. And the patent hold …
Many people ask me, "Why should my child see a chiropractor?" I definitely recommend for children seeing chiropractic right after birth for example because the birth process is not necessarily easy on the mom and not necessarily easy on the baby as well. It's always great to have children checked after birth just to make sure that everything is okay. I do have a pediatric certification so I feel very, very comfortable and have a lot of experience working with children.
I want to share with you guys a couple of different things that I see in my practice and that how …
In this video interview, Fertility Health Coach and Yoga Instructor talks about her experience as a Fertility coach and how Yoga can make a BIG difference in someone dealing with the infertility diagnosis.
Jen: I'm Jennifer Colletti with Jennifer Colletti Yoga and Wellness. I teach prenatal, postnatal, and fertility yoga and help women struggling with infertility build their families. I'm a yoga teacher. That's how I started out in the wellness world. It wasn't my first career. About 12-ish years ago, give or take, I took my first yoga teacher training and really never looked back. And I started out just …
Happy National Physical Therapy Month! October is a month to recognize the physical therapy profession and all of us at Merz Physical Therapy want you to know some of the things a physical therapist can offer you.
Physical therapists specialize in movement related disorders, specifically when abnormal movement is contributing to pain or an inability to perform an activity to your satisfaction. We believe physical therapy should be the first line of defense for movement related pain and it has been demonstrated time and time again that participating in a physical therapist moderated program can provide lasting improvements in pain and …
Eating healthy is an essential piece of the trying to conceive puzzle. In this post, wellness expert Jennifer Colletti explains the difference between good fats and bad fats and how knowing the difference can help alleviate symptoms of PCOS and endometriosis and aid in your fertility efforts.
So…what’s the skinny on fat? Is it good, is it bad… what is it?
In the 70s, 80s and 90s there was a low-fat and no-fat craze that deeply influenced our nutrition as Americans. You are probably familiar with it, affected by it and lived it in some way. We stopped eating fat, thinking it …
Minneapolis native, yoga teacher extraordinaire and fellow fertility warrior, Jennifer Colletti, shares her journey which inspired her to create a unique 8-week fertility yoga workshop.
November 3, 2008. I remember this day so crystal clearly. It was the day I found out our third round of IVF had failed. Despite having a positive pregnancy test on this round of IVF, our ultrasound appointment that day, showed baby no longer had a heartbeat.
This wasn’t the first time we’d had this outcome, our first round of IVF went exactly the same way. We tested positive for pregnancy, we were elated, yet a few weeks …