It's a Wild, Wild Ride. . .Is it over yet? Our current state of affairs in America is creating a field of unstable, chaotic energy. Opinions abound, people are polarizing and further dividing from those who don't agree with their views and opinions...

While others are finding their voice and strength to SPEAK UP as demonstrated by the Women's March this weekend, and many other political activist groups.

Here is what I know for sure. . .
Our situation is a reflection of what we have created this far so that we can decide who we are
 and what kind of future we want to create.
In my own seeking to find clarity about what is happening - I went to my trusted spiritual mentors and resources.

This -  Kryon Article - is a spiritual perspective of what we signed up for here on classroom Earth, and it brought me peace. I hope it does for you too. 

My take away - we choose this "big wild card stir stick" 25% of the country elected, to stir up the pot. How else would you get people to take action like we are? It's up to us to react, respond, change, and create something new, how to unite instead of divide, and work together for the betterment of all.

Now back to Aromatherapy and some thoughts from the plant kingdom...I pulled a card from my "Shusta Cards" that I use and got this... 

"Maintain serenity through balanced thinking, you have everything you need inside to feel safe and nurtured."

And from my Aromatherapy Insight cards.. we asked "what oil would help to help us feel safe and nurtured? 

We got - Myrrh (see photo)

Here is the reading - "Remove mundane thoughts and be inspired by what is possible. Tap into your dreams and visions to release a liberating strength and awareness. Be curious, seeing only possibility. Myrrh helps you be still and grounded while being inspired so that you can manifest your dreams". Reading is from "aromatherapy insight cards" by Jennifer Jeffries ND - and no I don't have any to sell, sorry.


About this article: This article was re-posted by Jodi Baglien, from her blog on, during her time as an educator on We thank her for his participation and expertise. 

Jodi Baglien is bringing Aromatherapy into Healthcare. She is the first US Aromatherapist to provide the innovative Aromatherapy Inhalation Patch to hospitals, senior care facilities, and mental health providers. Jodi combines 16 years of experience as a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Educator, and Holistic Therapist. She delivers an evidence-based, compliant, and sustainable aromatherapy program to health care settings, both long and short-term. She has been training medical professionals on how to effectively use essential oils in order to provide non-pharmaceutical options to reduce stress, agitation, improve rest and reduce pain scores. Her programs have shown excellent results, with psychotropic medications in nursing homes, reducing by 35% on average. With a powerful mix of experience, compassion, and science-based research, Jodi offers a clear protocol within the best practices of professional aromatherapy. As a recognized wellness authority, she is dedicated to personalized consulting and wholehearted staff education.

To learn more about how Aromatherapy is making a difference in HealthCare institutions visit Jodi's page at