Carole J. Hyder was contracted to be on the design team for Hudson Hospital, Hudson, WI in 2003 during the initial construction of their new building and in 2012 during an expansion project.
Specific Feng Shui considerations that Carole used during the course of both projects:
Shape of building
Year’s influence on construction (Flying Star)
Determining the “heart” of each building
General flow through hallways and position of doors
Factors in in-patient rooms
Use of 5 Elements in key areas
Ideal place for meditation/prayer room
Placement of artwork
Relationship between existing hospital and addition of medical office building
CEO’s office layout
Ceremony to close out old hospital and initiate new one
Landscape considerations …
WHEN THE outside changes, the inside makes a corresponding change. When the weather warms up, we live differently than when the weather is cold. During one season we’ll have sleigh rides and during another picnics. We wear one kind of clothing when the temperatures are hot and another kind when the temperatures drop below zero. Our lives can’t help but follow the change of seasons. I argue that our homes should mark the changes of time as well.
When my sister’s kids were little, they decorated their home for each and every holiday—hearts on the windows on Valentine’s Day, shamrocks in …
"Feng Shui is often called “acupuncture for the home.” As acupuncture enhances and lifts the ch’i of an individual, Feng Shui can do the same for a home." - Carole J. Hyder
It's how you use it!
The art of aromatherapy asks you to consider - "how" you deliver the oil, not just, "which oil do I use for this?" . . .
When teaching caregivers aromatherapy skills, I take time to teach about intention. We talk about holding a "vision of bliss", and the frequency of love for the person you are caring for, and don't forget about holding for yourself!
Help them visualize their "happy place", instead of simply handing them a cotton ball with an essential oil on it. Help them use their imagination - try a favorite spot in nature, sunshine or remember loved …
Dr. Ron Hanson, M.D., Pioneer in Regenerative Medicine practices at Orthocure Clinic and has 22 years of experience (01/24/2018)
Almighty God,
Thou hast created the human body with infinite wisdom. Thou hast blest Thine earth, Thy rivers, and Thy mountains with healing substances; they enable Thy creatures to alleviate their sufferings, and to heal their illnesses.
Thou hast endowed man with the wisdom to relieve the suffering of his brother, to recognize his disorders, to extract the healing substances, to discover their powers, and to prepare them and apply them to suit every ill.
In Thine eternal providence Thou hast chosen me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures. I am now about to apply myself to the duties …
Dr. Ron Hanson, M.D., Pioneer in Regenerative Medicine practices at Orthocure Clinic and has 22 years of experience (01/24/2018)
The mission of OrthoCure Clinic is Healing People & Helping Them Enjoy a Thriving Life
We will strive to understand what is important to you-
….Why you hurt, your pain started, Your goals to live your life
We Promise to listen and spend time with you
Your body is meant to heal itself, we will-
….Educate you on options, Create comprehensive plans, reassess often
We Promise to change course when necessary
In our quest to heal you, we will attain continual excellence in our knowledge-
….Applying research, attending conferences, coordinating with colleagues
We Promise to use the best research for your benefit
Once comprehensive assessment yields a diagnosis, procedural skill is …
Here are the images of some of the little lives born through Fertile Grounding Yoga, in some cases it’s babies, in some cases a new career, maybe even a new perspective. In each case the women that share these photos have gone through fertility challenges or infertility, maybe even a life challenge. Their strength, their boldness, their ability to grow and take on life is what we celebrate here on this page. Enjoy!!
Pregnancy is an amazing time too connect your mind, body and spirit through yoga. My yoga practice started prior to my pregnancy, but grew in amazing ways through my pregnancy, postnatally and as a mother. My yoga practice teaches me daily how to be the best mother and wife I can be and helps me be a better “me”.
In prenatal yoga you’ll learn breath, balance, calm, and surrender. You’ll learn how to trust your body, how to listen to your intuition, and to believe in the capabilities of your body. You’ll be challenged both physically and mentally. You’ll have the opportunity to clear out …
It’s a big crazy word right? and how do you even say it? “Eye-ur-veda” is how you pronounce it. But… What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a 5000 year old science that originated in India. It’s often called the sister science of yoga, or the medicine of yoga.
The thing I love most about Ayurveda is the primary principles of Ayurveda are about self care to heal. Such simple principles, yet very over rated in our culture. We are constantly on the edge of burn out in our culture, we go, go, go, go, go…. and forget to be, be, be, and be (she says slowly …
Yoga Bonding / Baby Yoga is a fun and mindful blend of yoga for babies, and yoga for moms (or dads, grandparents or caregivers). This class is an amazing way to connect with babies, meet other moms and babies, find a supportive postpartum community, all while re-gaining your yoga practice (or beginning one). Yoga Bonding was created by my mentor and friend Lisa Bergly, and she passed on the teachings to me in 2011.
View my current schedule for baby yoga class offerings in Minneapolis and St Louis Park.
The benefits for babies are wonderful; babies sleep better, have better digestion, are better adjusted, and …
Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (03/04/2018)
A conversation between Trailhead Health and Holistic Allergist, Dr. Jay P Wilson.
Here is another example of how allergies affect everything especially kids. I had a little boy about 3 years old. When he came in with his mom his behavior was absolutely abominable. He would take his mother’s cell phone and throw it across the room. He was totally unmanageable. We did our usual allergy testing and started treating him. We were maybe halfway through his treatment program and he was doing so much better. His parents decided to take him to the auto show .....
Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (03/05/2018)
Using the principles of Functional Medicine, NAET, Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Biokinetics and JMT, Dr. Jay Wilson of Allergy Elimination Center of MN has developed a unique method to get rid of allergies. A single 20 minute treatment per allergy.... From Screening for allergies to the treatment, there is no needles involved, no drugs....
How do you explain Acupuncture to a Western Medicine Doctor who is not opposed to acupuncture but at the same time does not understand it? How do you explain acupuncture to somebody like that who went to a different school of medicine but is looking for more solutions for their pain patients, or this could be an ortho clinic that sees injuries all day long, what do you say to them?
That's a pretty common experience to have where a patient comes in and says, "Well, my ortho says that they don't understand acupuncture but they think it's great, and they …
What is something that is so misunderstood in Acupuncture?
Hi, I'm Hilary Patzer. I'm a licensed Acupuncturist working out of Minneapolis, MN. I am also the Viking's contracted acupuncturist, so I get to work on some pretty incredible athletes and people. My private practice is called Jada Studios, and it is located in the International Market Square building.
What is something that is misunderstood in Acupuncture?
For me, it's that it is scary and it hurts. I get it. I'm not a big fan of needles either, but if I held the needle up here, you wouldn't even see the blade that I …
How is Acupuncture used in Sports Medicine? - Dr. Hilary Patzer, L.Ac.
Which might be different than how acupuncture is used for the general public. For sports medicine, acupuncture is awesome for relieving muscle tension. All of those knots you feel, those are adhesions in the muscle and acupuncture can go and blow them up and get the muscle fibers to realign. It’s great for joint pain, inflammation, blood getting you ready for the game. Or inflammation, bringing you down after the game. You have built up lactic acid and inflammation. It’s really good for helping to control stress. Even …
Dr. Paul D Moon, DC practices at Y Wellness MN and has 26 years of experience (03/08/2018)
Dr. Moon, so many patients these days have had the unfortunate experience of misdiagnosis. Can you explain the process at YWellness to ensure that patients have an accurate diagnosis and get on the right path to treatment?
Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (03/12/2018)
Question from a consumer to Dr. Wilson : Is you Allergy Elimination Treatment effective in Children?
(A conversation between Trailhead Health and Holistic Allergist, Dr. Jay P Wilson)
Dr. Wilson's response: The short answer is absolutely, positively Yes! Many times I can change the direction the child is going in. I can make lifetime changes for them. I can take care of tummy aches, digestion problems and behavior problems in children.
One little boy that I took care of… his dad said when he gets into something he’s allergic to he becomes Attila the Hun. After we got done treating him for his …