

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (10/21/2016)

Allergy reducing recommendations - What to Eat and What to Avoid

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (10/21/2016)

Allergy Elimination - Avoid these top allergens

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (10/21/2016)
Food to avoid for allergy elimination

Have you created a life of vitality? Take my quiz to find out.

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (10/25/2016)
What does vitality mean to you? The Webster’s definition of vitality is: a) capacity to live and develop, b) physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed, c) power of enduring. To me, vitality means living a life where you are: thriving feeling good every day – healthy and strong participating fully in your life engaged with family, friends and colleagues not solely in the absence of poor health but in a state of great health

Why I Give Hugs….and Why You Should Too !!

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (11/02/2016)
Touch, Hugs....Important pieces of connect and health

Your GLUTEN problem may actually be caused by GLYPHOSATE

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (11/02/2016)
Glyphosate could be causing all the issues Gluten may be blamed for.

Ten Best and Worst Foods for Health and Longevity

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (11/02/2016)
Best and Worst Foods for Health and Longevity

7 Basic Components to Good Health

Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc. practices at Allergy Elimination of MN and has 60 years of experience (11/02/2016)

Is this “normal?” 8 reasons you may be living with chronic constipation

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (11/10/2016)
What is normal for digestive health?  There is not a simple answer, each person is different. What is normal for you may not be normal for another. The reasons an individual may become constipated and the solutions to the challenge will vary. However, we do know what is optimal to prevent complications in the future and to help you feel your very best. “Normal” may feel like a bowel movement every 2 or 3 days. It may feel like loose stools or the opposite; harder to pass and pebble-like. “Normal” is how your gut is normally acting for you. With the …

Get rid of constipation with a nourished gut

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (11/29/2016)
Today I want to dig deeper into one of the main solutions to this problem so many millions of people struggle with – nourishing your gut. Making food and lifestyle choices to prevent constipation can go a long way, but also a healthy gut is key to prevent and manage any gut dysfunction that can lead to constipation. It is always easier to prevent illness than to treat it. So adopting healthy lifestyle choices before dealing with chronic constipation is ideal. But when that hasn’t been the case, there are choices you can start making today to get your gut on …

Mind Body Connection

Cynthia Stavrou, Reiki Master practices at Rising Sun Reiki Studio and has 13 years of experience (12/07/2016)
The mind body connection is fascinating.  But it is also very simple.  The mind body connection is simple because it is familiar to each one of us.  When we are embarrassed, we blush.  When we are frightened, our heart beats faster.  When we are nervous, our stomach hurts.  We have each experienced these physical reactions to these specific emotions.  We also know that stress can cause many ailments including tension headaches, ulcers, or neck and shoulder pain.  Alternately, our physical bodies respond to joyful feelings.  When we feel peaceful, our heart slows.  The love that we feel when we gaze at …

Maintaining Gut-Health During the Holidays

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (12/20/2016)
Obviously, a few extra holiday indulgences won’t sabotage anyone’s health. However, it’s never a bad idea to arm yourself with solid strategies for maintaining wellness during busy seasons. And when you think about the health of your gut – research shows that even a few days of poor eating habits can wreak havoc on the delicate balance in your gut.  There is good reason to maintain good habits the best that you can to prevent consequences later.  Read our top tips below for prioritizing your gut’s health throughout these months of merriment!

Treatment vs. Healing

Cynthia Stavrou, Reiki Master practices at Rising Sun Reiki Studio and has 13 years of experience (12/29/2016)
There is no denying the marvel of modern medicine.  From the early 19th century, when Sir Humphry Davy proposed the use of nitrous oxide for surgical procedures, on to the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, and now with the ability to do transplants of major organs including the heart, we are truly blessed with technology.  But, have you, or someone you know, ever experienced an unexplainable pain in the physical body?  An unexpected back pain, a chronic ache in the knee or elbow, or perhaps severe and crippling headaches that remain undiagnosed, in spite of repeated trips to the doctor?  Frequently, …

Sticking with New Year’s Health Resolutions

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (01/23/2017)
Shocking as it may be, January is already nearing the end! It’s a hard time of the year; motivation starts to run dry and New Year’s resolutions get abandoned for old habits. Honestly, it’s not that surprising, is it? Goals and resolutions are both good things, but what most people need to change is their lifestyle. Building blocks like getting exercise and sound nutrition are the foundations of wellness. If you’re looking to establish new, healthy habits in the new year, we’re offering a resource that’s tailor-made for you!

Why Reiki?

Cynthia Stavrou, Reiki Master practices at Rising Sun Reiki Studio and has 13 years of experience (01/24/2017)
Reiki healing is quite easy to learn and easy to apply. It is a simple, natural and safe way of self-improvement and spiritual healing which can be used by everyone. It not only helps you get rid of unwanted stress, but it also gives you a way to achieve deep relaxation resulting in better sleep. It is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure. Reiki holistic healing will provide multiple health benefits.  ​ In Reiki, healing is accomplished at several rates. It can be utilized with or without Western allopathic techniques of healing. In this manner, the healing is going to have a fuller …

Overcoming Sugar Cravings

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (02/27/2017)
We all know how addicting sugary foods can be. If you’ve found yourself craving sweets after every meal or using dessert as a reward; you may want to reassess your relationship with sugar. A good place to start is the free Sugar Craving Assessment offered on this site. From there, we’d suggest tackling the following simple lifestyle changes: 

5 Small Changes that Equate to BIG Results

Lynda Enright, M.S., RDN, LD, CLT practices at Be Well Nutrition Consulting and has 25 years of experience (03/09/2017)
Reaching a new goal does not have to be complex or complicated, but goals do need to be set with intention, and action will be required daily to reach that goal. Start your day with a simple mindful practice to set your intention and remember your WHY. Here are the steps....

What to expect on your first Chiropractic Visit

Dr. Heather Elise Ingbretson, DC, FICPA practices at Ingbretson Chiropractic and has 20 years of experience (03/14/2017)
'The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.' - Thomas Edison While some chiropractic clinics may be different, here is typically what you can expect in your first chiropractic visit. Here are the steps you can expect to go through when you walk into my office: Patient Forms Consultation Examination X-ray studies Report of Findings Treatment Wellness Program Patient Forms: Upon entering our office, our receptionist will  welcome you as a member of our family.  We will request that you complete our  patient forms located in the …

Regular Chiropractic Care and Safe exercise

Dr. Heather Elise Ingbretson, DC, FICPA practices at Ingbretson Chiropractic and has 20 years of experience (03/14/2017)
We all want to be injury-free when doing our exercise programs. Of course, stuff happens, but several critical action steps will go far toward preventing exercise- and sports-related injuries. Among these preventive measures: stretching is key. Importantly, regular chiropractic care helps us get the most out of our stretching activities and also avoid injuries that may be associated with the act itself. In order for stretching to be effective, the joints at either end of the muscle being stretched need to freely move. With respect to the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, those joints are the pelvis, hip joint, and knee. By …

Wolff's law - Bone will remodel along lines of mechanical stress

Dr. Heather Elise Ingbretson, DC, FICPA practices at Ingbretson Chiropractic and has 20 years of experience (03/15/2017)
Bone will remodel along lines of mechanical stress

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