An organized life makes healthy choices easier, it’s as simple as that. Meals planned, exercise scheduled, house uncluttered – all can be helpful to have your best life. But more specifically, what about an organized kitchen? Having meals planned is wonderful, but what if you can’t remember why you purchased that fresh herb or you can’t find what you are looking for when it’s time to cook?
Wherever you are there are simple tips that can help you get started or continue grilling safer while eating healthy and delicious food. We often think of meat as the only food to cook on a grill. Consider other options such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
“Clean eating” is one of the latest buzz phrases in our quest to find the “right” diet. There has been an increase in consumer demand for clean food products. Consumers are asking for products lower in sodium, without high fructose corn syrup and trans-fats, products with short ingredient lists, recognizable and “natural” ingredients. And the food industry is responding. Ingredients are being removed which are not easily understood. You will find more options without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. In 2013, 25% of new product launches globally were considered “label-friendly.”
Vitality is defined as a state of being strong and active; having energy. Aren’t we all looking to feel a little greater vitality in our lives? You may think about lifestyle choices you can make to feel more vital – consistent exercise, getting enough sleep and managing stress. In addition to creating a healthy life, a healthy diet can have an important impact on promoting vitality!
Winter has come to an end and perhaps you haven’t maintained the level of physical activity you had hoped for. As spring arrives motivation for physical activity often increases and at least where I live, in Minnesota, there are many new opportunities for getting out and moving again.
You are on a road trip, headed to the family cabin for the weekend or off to a friend’s wedding. You need to take a break, stretch your legs and grab a snack; but where can you stop for a quick bite that will not leave you with a stomachache, a sugar rush and excess calories that don’t fit so well into your day?
Your best option would be to prepare something ahead and bring with you. I understand that doesn’t always happen. There are, of course, a plethora of gas station/convenience stores conveniently located right off the highway, but how …
In your busy life, do you take the time for breakfast every day? Breakfast is important for many reasons: it fuels your body for the day getting your body’s engine (your metabolism) revved up, it prevents overeating later in the day, and with the right choices it can help keep your head clear for a productive day.
Change is hard! Whether it is an organizational change that needs to occur in your work, a change in your personal or family life or a change in your behavior to achieve a healthier you – you may face resistance.
You may have experienced it – the ice cream calling you from the freezer, or the bag of chips in the cupboard. Food cravings – they can quickly drive you from whatever you were doing to staring into the fridge looking for a snack.
What can we do about it? Well, first minimizing the extreme challenges in your environment can help. If there is no ice cream, potato chips or whatever you crave easily to be had – it helps. But sometimes in an extremely weak moment, even a trip to the store may happen to satisfy that craving.
In the heart of winter in Minnesota, I am keenly aware of the lack of vitamin D we are getting from the sun. Vitamin D is an important nutrient that isn’t found naturally in many foods. The body can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but in the winter months our exposure to the outdoors and sunlight decrease (depending on your climate). Supplementation with Vitamin D may be recommended for many whose diet is deficient and exposure to sunlight is minimal.
I was recently at the grocery store and took notice of how the struggle for weight control is failing miserably in our culture. It was a reminder that the simple formula of calories in vs. calories out does not work for many women and men who have been fighting this battle for years and years.
There has to be something else going on! A metabolic imbalance? A gut imbalance? Toxic overload? A hormone imbalance? Where do we begin?
Like many teenagers, when I was 16 years old, I worked at McDonalds--a great part-time job. Between school, studying, socializing, hanging out with friends, working and going to the family cabin, my diet of fast food and little or inconsistent exercise eventually led to stomach problems. If you’re like most people, you probably have experienced some problems I had: Heartburn, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea. And just like me, you’ve used over-the-counter medications to get temporary relief. By covering up and ignoring symptoms, I learned first hand how lousy it is to feel bad all the time. My journey to …
Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (05/22/2017)
Because you must be a willing participant in hypnosis, each individual’s experience and hypnosis results will vary. Your desire for change and the level to which the issue is embedded in your subconscious all play a part in how quickly change can happen. Hypnosis is like a bicycle. It can transport you to where you want to go, but you have to steer and peddle to get there. There is no magic wand.
Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (05/22/2017)
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness and focus when you are open to new thoughts, ideas and suggestions. It is a natural state of mind that you experience at various times during the day. Our goal is to teach you how to intentionally initiate hypnosis for a specific purpose you wish to achieve.
Model of the Mind
Let’s explore how the mind works to better understand how it relates to hypnosis.
The conscious mind is home to logic, ideas, willpower, affirmations, short term memory, and all of our “shoulds”. Approximately 5% of our processing ability occurs in the conscious mind. On …
Ms. Roberta Fernandez, Board Certified Hypnotist & Certified Instructor practices at Fare Hypnosis Center and has 12 years of experience (05/22/2017)
A Sample of Some Hypnosis Case Studies
The internet is filled with case studies and clinical research of how hypnosis has worked for a variety of situations. The Journal of the American Institute of Hypnosis is a good publication for finding research articles. This is an interesting research paper on Hypnosis Clinical Intervention published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. So as not to overwhelm, here are a few clickable links that provide a sampling of various case studies and articles that illustrate the effectiveness of hypnosis:
Pain Relief
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
As an adjunct to Cognitive Behavioral Psychology
Do you have an issue, you are note sure …