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    Conscious and Subconscious Mind
    The goals of the hypnotist is to help a client come into touch with whatever themes are emerging from unconscious processes

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    We all have a conscious will (or mind) and a subconscious mind (things that our body does without any conscious command). The Subconscious Mind is often referred to as our deeper mind.  All of our emotions and feelings we have or ever had based on our past experiences are stored in our subconscious mind. Over time these emotions may turn into patterns that keep running our sub-conscious mind.
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    The inner workings of our Subconscious Mind

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    To make things even more interesting, to the subconscious mind there is no difference between an actual experience and the thought of an actual experience. IT CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE. Which means, every time we experience a difficult thought pattern, to our subconscious mind it is a real event that we are going through...
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    Thought Patterns and why they can mess us up!

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    Depending on the thought pattern overwhelming us, we could be therefore feeling or living in emotions like fear, anxiety or worry or be feeling happy, grateful, joyous and inspired.

    The GOOD NEWS is that we all have the capacity to think creatively and imagine beautiful and great things and capacity to heal.

    The NOT SO GOOD NEWS is that, similarly we all also have in us the ability to fear and imagine horrible things and also make ourselves sick.
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    Summary of Thought pattern, Subconscious and Conscious Mind

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    • Our subconscious mind is the home for our thought patterns
    • It cannot differentiate between an actual event we may be experiencing or the thought of an actual event
    • It can store positive thought patterns or negative thought patterns
    • 95% of thoughts in our mind are repetitive and based on past experiences
    • These thought patterns when re-played in our mind, give rise to corresponding emotions, which can be fear, anxiety or worry, or be feeling happy, grateful, joyous and inspired
     So now that we know this, let's see how hypnosis can help: