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    Can I hypnotize myself and, if so, why do I need a Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist?

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    First and foremost – All hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis!  In other words, no matter what someone is asking us to do or telling us to do, it will not work unless we agree to participate and are open to suggestions.  We could be in a state of hypnosis, but if we are not actively and openly participating, the progress made toward our goals will be limited.
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    Why do we need a hypnotist or hypnotherapist? What can a hypnotist or hypnotherapist do for us, that we are not able to do for ourselves?

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    “The easiest things to see are often overlooked.” Dr. Milton Erickson

    We can try to hypnotize ourselves, but really the success of a hypnosis session is in the discovery; what is the pattern playing in the subconscious mind..? Most of us have blind spots or blocks which makes it challenging to do the best job in reading our own issues, but have no problem seeing issues or patterns in others.  It is very difficult to turn one's attention inwards due to many factors such as assumptions, personal limitations, other assumptions formulated from our past and worries for the future.  So the success in working with a practitioner comes from working with a neutral third party expert who can see past our blind spots and blocks and truly help us get to the underlying root cause of the issue.