Many illnesses are treated with acupuncture. In cancer treatment, its main use is to control symptoms, including the following:
Nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery and Morning Sickness
Boost Immune System
Muscle and joint pain in women with hormonal dependent breast cancer
Lymphedema (It may occur in an arm or leg if lymph vessels are blocked, damaged, or removed by surgery. Lymphedema is a lifelong concern for many breast cancer patients)
Weight Loss
Poor appetite
Dry mouth
Hot flashes
Nerve problems and Peripheral neuropathy
Constipation and diarrhea
Failure of gastrointestinal (GI) muscles to move food through the GI tract (Ileus) following surgery
Clinical uses of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is also useful in:
Stroke rehabilitation, which involves relearning skills that a person lost because of brain damage from a stroke
Headache / Migraines
Menstrual cramps
Tennis Elbow
Fibromyalgia or widespread pain and tenderness of muscle and soft tissue
Myofascial pain, caused by spasm in the muscles
Low back pain. For people who have low back pain, acupuncture may help decrease pain and increase activity
Carpal tunnel syndrome, or pressure on a nerve in the wrist that results in tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain of the fingers and hand
Asthma, or inflammation in the tubes that carry air to the lungs, resulting in periodic episodes of difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing
Drug Addiction: Acupuncture may help reduce symptoms of withdrawal after a person stops taking a drug he or she is addicted to. It may also help prevent a relapse. More studies are needed to learn about the benefits of acupuncture