
Emotional Energy Clearing in Children using principles in Chinese Medicine by Josh Eha

AH, KIDS - Children are exuberant and full of vitality.  Often positive and very curious, they are an example of how we can all live with gusto! In the midst of incredible development- physically, mentally and spiritually- they are discovering themselves and their place in life anew every day.  Unfortunately, through their great ability to absorb, they are also prone to accept limitations. As a child identifies with negative beliefs as part of who they are, the contrast opposes their expansive, robust nature. The seed of dis-ease has now been sown. THE VITALITY OF YOUTH A healer is different from a doctor.  A healer …

Cancer Support - INTEGRATIVE ONCOLOGY by Josh Eha

“Integrative oncology provides the best of gold standard, mainstream cancer care and complementary therapies to control physical and emotional symptoms, improve the quality of life and speed recovery.”  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Acupuncture is endorsed by the American Cancer Society for the treatment of cancer-related symptoms and is incorporated into a substantial number of major cancer centers across the country. ROLE OF ACUPUNCTURE IN INTEGRATIVE ONCOLOGY The role of acupuncture is best described by Gordon and Curtis (2000) in Comprehensive Cancer Care: The traditional Chinese medicinal treatment of cancer is based on the principle of fu zheng gu ben. Roughly speaking, fu zheng means strengthening what is correct, …

Acupuncture, the Spine and Nerves by Josh Eha

DISC HERNIATION, SPINAL STENOSIS, SPONDYLOSIS, AND ACUPUNCTURE Disc herniation occurs when the spine compresses a disc, squeezing it into space already occupied by a nerve. This can result in tingling or achiness in the leg, feet, arm, and/or hand. More severe herniation causes muscles to atrophy, meaning they get weak and flaccid. Spinal stenosis is a degenerative disease that is an aggravation of the usual disc herniations and degeneration that we see in that bone spurs have grown into spaces occupied by nerves. Spondylosis is degeneration. Over time, our vertebrae lose their luster. Joints between the vertebrae termed facet joints, become arthritic. The …

World Health Organization (WHO) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus on Acupuncture by Josh Eha

It is essential to understand what is meant by the word ‘health.’ The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” NIH Consensus of Acupuncture reported in 1997 that “studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can cause multiple biological responses, mediated mainly by sensory neurons to many structures within the central nervous system. This can lead to activation of pathways affecting various physiological systems in the brain as well as in the periphery. Acupuncture may also activate the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, resulting in a …

The Heart Wall per Acupuncture by Josh Eha

Understanding the role of the heart per chinese medicine

The Meditative Art of Qi Gong in Minneapolis by Josh Eha

“Qi” means life energy.  It animates us, providing function to our structure.  Its vibrancy is dependent on flow.  That flow coalesces in the channels or meridians.  These conduits connect the entire body into an integrative whole.  Each aspect of us affects every other aspect.  And this goes for more than just the physical body, but the emotional and spiritual bodies as well.  Qi flows through each of these and all of us and our many complexities, integrating us into one fantastically functional unit. “Gong” means practice or work.  It denotes soft persistence and mindfulness, i.e., eternal presence.  Qigong is not meant …

Common Questions about Acupuncture by Josh Eha

Got questions? Here are some answers to the most common questions here.  If you still need advice, call  WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE? Acupuncture is a vital part of Chinese medicine, one of the oldest known systems of health care. It regulates the body’s ability to heal through the precise stimulation of different “points” with a very fine needle, about the width of human hair. The results include specific and measurable chemical, electrical and functional changes. Acupuncture effectively treats a wide array of disorders and catalyzes total systemic wellbeing. IS ACUPUNCTURE SAFE?  Acupuncture is extremely safe. Research has shown acupuncture to be 99.8% free from even …

Allergies and Intolerances by Dr. Josh Eha

As an acupuncturist, I see the body as a functional, energetic unit.  Energy is motion and movement is created by a relationship, ideally harmonious, a give-and-take.  Any time we put something into our bodies we are, in a sense, inviting a more intimate relationship with it.  Therefore, if, even buried in our subconscious, there is some RESISTANCE to a food or drug or air particulate, then we can react to it as if it were a harmful substance.  Our incredible ability to see previous experience in everything we come across allows us to focus more specifically on what is important to …

Self-Care for the Energy Body

I am often asked by patients how I replenish myself.  As you may realize, performing acupuncture and energy work is demanding. I aspire to a lofty goal. I aim to connect with each and every one of you deeply. I plug in then stay with your space on every single visit every week…and month…and year. There is no way I could do this by myself. Here’s my secret: I get help for each visit from a massive energy storehouse before I treat any of you. When I am lined up, I am not using my own resources. It is what keeps …

Healing the Body Through the Mind by Dr. Josh Eha

The following are basic principles for training the mind to relinquish disease.  Compatible with all religions and wisdom traditions, these support our path to divinity by releasing damaging attachments to enhance freedom from suffering.  If one can master these, one can free him/herself from any disease.  A thought is a “thing.”  It has energy and form. The mind with its thoughts and feelings controls the body; therefore, to heal the body, thoughts and feelings need to be changed. What is held in mind tends to express itself through the body. The body is not the real self; it is like a puppet controlled by …

Shift Towards a Balanced SELF by Dr. Josh Eha

The undulations of life can feel tumultuous. Just remember being subject to the hormones of adolescence- yikes! We’d like to think we have moved past this stage, but the potential for recycling life’s stages is perpetual. The apex of the direct human study of life’s undulations is manifested in the I Ching that pre-dates recorded history (4000 BCE).  Its concept is simple: Truth through a larger viewpoint brings clarity and stability, even in the face of intense transition.  It is important to see the bigger picture because at our core we are eternal aspects of divinity.  It is in that space …

Searching for Higher Medicine by Dr. Josh Eha

HEALTH CARE VS DISEASE CARE The pervading idea in healthcare today is that you go in for repairs as if you were a car.  Providers, hospitals, pharmaceutical and health insurance companies all operate within this paradigm. Naturally, patients start here and begin to branch out to complementary/alternative medicine when conventional treatments fail.  Used in this manner, acupuncture is a great tool for getting you out of trouble.  The acupuncture needle, in and of itself, has the ability to change many resistant conditions.  See my research section for the growing database of experimental scrutiny demonstrating acupuncture’s efficacy vs. placebo, medication, exercise and …

"Battlefield" Acupuncture by Dr. Josh Eha

I have recently been implementing “Battlefield" Acupuncture with great effect for severe pain as a compliment to my more thorough treatment protocol.  This is the most effective short-term analgesic I have found in over a decade.  The effects are stunning and the implications many.  "This is one of the fastest pain attenuators in existence — the pain can be gone in five minutes," said Col. Richard Niemtzow, a physician, acupuncturist, senior adviser to the Air Force surgeon general, and founder of the approach. The technique takes five minutes to perform.  I use ASP gold, semi-permanent needles to specific points in the ear …

Acupuncture for Anxiety Related Disorders by Dr. Josh Eha

If you have been diagnosed with, or have been suffering from: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks PTSD Stress Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)  A chronic disease that gives you anxiety You are not alone.  Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million American adults (about 18%). There are many types of pills, capsules, counseling options and therapies being sold as a treatment for anxiety.  What Chinese medicine offers is nothing less than something completely different.  Your acupuncturist seeks the root of your disorder, will help redefine your anxiety, tapping into the essence of who you are, what your purpose is, and how you are seeking it. Sound like a monumental task?  It …

Acupuncture for Neck Pain

About 15% of adults experience neck pain at any one time. Prevalence of neck pain increases as one gets older and is more common in women than men. Spondylosis, or degeneration of the spine, is one reason for this, but neck pain usually comes from multiple factors. Neck pain can include pain in the neck itself, the upper back and shoulder girdle, as well as associated pain in the head, upper extremities, or the low back.  Acupuncture has been shown in clinical trials to benefit acute and chronic neck pain long term.  By relieving muscle tension and benefitting neck and …


Dr. Dennis Woggon, BSc, DC practices at St. Cloud Chiropractic Clinic & Clear Scoliosis Center and has 51 years of experience (07/03/2018)
Dr. Woggon, the pioneer in care for Scoliosis answers the most common questions he gets asked by consumers


Dr. Dennis Woggon, BSc, DC practices at St. Cloud Chiropractic Clinic & Clear Scoliosis Center and has 51 years of experience (07/03/2018)
“Can a chiropractor fix scoliosis?” It’s a common refrain from potential patients and skeptics alike. More often than not, we hear this question from people who have had a bad experience with a chiropractor (or two) in the past. Maybe they were promised something that wasn’t delivered. Or maybe their chiropractor was vague in what they were actually promising from the outset. We absolutely believe that a chiropractor can help you drastically improve your quality of life. But answering the question, “Can a chiropractor fix scoliosis?” requires a bit of a deeper dive. SETTING EXPECTATIONS AROUND “FIXING” SCOLIOSIS It’s important to understand from …


Dr. Dennis Woggon, BSc, DC practices at St. Cloud Chiropractic Clinic & Clear Scoliosis Center and has 51 years of experience (07/03/2018)
Although a myth has persisted for many years that there isn’t a link between a curved spine and pain, doctors now recognize that scoliosis does, in fact, increase the chance of back pain in youth and adults. While it may seem counter-intuitive, exercising can actually help reduce and manage scoliosis back pain rather than make it worse. UNDERSTANDING SCOLIOSIS PAIN Before we can go into how working out and keeping limber can offer pain relief, let’s dig into the basics of back pain from scoliosis. IS IT TRUE THAT SCOLIOSIS CAUSES BACK PAIN? Rather than directly causing pain, scoliosis is often associated with pain …


Dr. Dennis Woggon, BSc, DC practices at St. Cloud Chiropractic Clinic & Clear Scoliosis Center and has 51 years of experience (07/03/2018)
Since there is so much misinformation about scoliosis side effects floating around, we thought it would be helpful to go through some of the more common myths and why they are incorrect. Hopefully, this will put you on the path to more fully understanding scoliosis. MYTH #1: SCOLIOSIS RARELY CAUSES PAIN Many people will tell you there is no pain directly caused by a curved spine. The reasoning behind this myth is that the pain is not generally in the actual curve. However, the area around the curve can be painful as a direct result of the abnormal curve. While more severe …

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