Story by Amber Quiring and family.

Dear Dr. Wilson, I am so thankful for you, and how God has used you to heal and strengthen my body. It has forever changed my life. For years I had been extremely ill with so many symptoms that no matter how many doctors I went to, or medicines they had me try… there were no answers. It had reached a point where I was couch/ bed-ridden the majority of the time. This was devastating as I was only 30 years old and had 3 small children. I couldn’t be the kind of mom or wife I desired to be. Almost every night I would go to bed with a bucket next to my pillow, as I was so nauseous and in so much pain. I would cry myself to sleep praying that God would spare my life in the night, as I thought I may not wake up in the morning. My body was literally shutting down, and I was pretty sure I would not be around to watch my children grow up. In the spring of 2011 I was at the Mayo clinic for 2 weeks undergoing countless tests. After leaving the Mayo, I received numerous prescriptions for medications they said I needed to take. They ranged from strong vitamins to heart meds, anti- seizure meds, inhalers, blood thinners, oral steroids, etc. I was diagnosed with a page full of serious health conditions such as: Addisons disease, endometriosis, cardiomyopathy- with beginning stages of heart failure, severe fibromyalgia, asthma, extensive allergies, early onset osteoarthritis, Chiari malformation type 1, significant hypotension, migraines, blood disorders, nerve disorder, and more that I cannot even remember. I left discouraged, as I felt there was no hope for healing of all of this and that the amount of medications and their side effects were sure to pose more problems as well. I decided to pray, and wait before starting any medications. I gradually started to see that I was being led to try natural methods of healing my body first, and being led back to you, Dr. Wilson. (I say ‘back’ because I had met you a few years prior when my son was born and you treated and helped him.) Since starting treatment with you, my life has completely changed! My body is healing and is so much stronger. I no longer am bed-ridden, I don’t even nap during the day! I no longer sleep with a puke bucket next to my pillow, or cry myself to sleep in worry that I won’t survive the night. I am able to play with my children, run around with them and even wrestle, as it no longer hurts to have them hug me. I have been able to cancel my second surgery for endometriosis, and no longer suffer from the daily intense pain caused from this. I am no longer on my daily steroid inhaler for asthma and have not needed my emergency inhaler. My diet has amazingly increased as food allergens have been eliminated, and I am no longer in constant fear of anaphylaxis while eating. My headaches have decreased, along with joint pain, muscle pain, numbness and tingling. My blood pressure has increased to a healthier level, and I am no longer blacking out. I apologize because I know there is so much more, but I cannot even put it all down on paper. I praise God and thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring for my family and me. Thank you for giving us a new and better future. With love and affection, Amber Quiring and family.
- Amber Quiring and family.

Response from Dr. Jay P Wilson, D.PSc.

“There is hardly a symptom or condition that is not either caused, aggravated, or accelerated by allergies.” I have worked with allergies for over 40 of my 50+ years. However, it is just in the last 20 years that the techniques and methods to actually eliminate allergies and not just treat them.Book your consultation with me today. Learn more at!