Proper digestions and assimilation of food is key to maintaining and nourishing our Dhatus.
When we have a week Digestion - this lead to creation of toxins in our system called "Ama"
Ama weakens all our dhatus, our metabolic energy and our digestive fire....thereby impacting weakening not only digestion, absorption, assimilation and all our body tissues due to lack of nutrition.
The essence of all Dhatus is a life-energy called "Ojas". Ojas stabilizes our dhatus and provides them strength and vitality. The absence or exhaustion of Ojas is Death.
Characteristics of a person when Ojas is high and Ama is low:
- Calm and relaxed mind
- Enhanced willpower, determination, discrimination and mind power
- Glowing skin, youthfulness and attractive physique
The only way we can maintain high Ojas and Low Ama in our system is by focusing on our Digestive System. Maintaining a strong digestive fire allows for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrition, good quality of ojas and no formation of ama.