About this video: We all know or have heard about Chiropractic Care, but what does a chiropractic doctor really do? How does a chiropractic doctor help keep us and our body healthy? We asked Dr. Moon this question and here is what he had to say.

Quotation: "Think about any bad relationship you've been in. It's probably broken down simply because of bad communication." - Dr. Moon


Dr. Paul, How does chiropractic work? How does my body work?

I always bring it back to things that people can understand, and that's usually communication. It's 100 percent communication. Think about any bad relationship you've been in. It's probably broken down simply because of bad communication. So I think of what my father did. He made us these tin cans with strings and used them like telephones. So when I was studying the body, I thought my body is just a bunch of tin cans and strings. Let me show you...So our brain, that's one end of the tin can. It's the big tin can because obviously, it's coordinating all your thoughts, your actions. Here's the complicated part. Every cell, gland, muscle, organ, and tissue in your body is another tiny tin can. Now those two tin cans are connected by the fancy string. The fancy string in your body is the spinal cord and the nerves. So our simple rule here is really simple. We just want to make sure that your brain and your body are communicating at 100%.

How does the chiropractic part work?
In your body, you have 206 bones. If I can help you, that means what's blocking the normal communication in your body is a bone that's moved out of place. So my job is to figure out which one of those 206 bones is actually the cause of the problem for you.

Key Take Away:

  1. A Chiropractic doctor checks to make sure your brain and your body are communicating at 100 percent.

  2. Communication between the brain and the organs happens through an intricate system of nerves housed and protected within our spinal column.

  3. Just like a breakdown in relationships can often be attributed to bad or incomplete communication between two people/partners, we function well, when our brain and our organs communicate properly. And many times, a breakdown in communication between the two, could be the reason for our body not functioning optimally.

  4. Our adult body has 206 bones. A chiropractic job is to figure out, which ones of these 206 bones is out of place and adjust it to help clear any blockages and allow communication between the brain and the organs.

Trailhead Health Tip:
The next time you are not feeling well, or something doesn't feel right, don't just assume something is wrong with that organ or that part of your body. Instead, ask yourself. What if my brain and my organs are just fine... What if there is no issue with them. The breakdown is in the communication between the brain and the organ. That's when and how you work with a Chiropractic Doctor.