Bloating, cramps and stomach irritability can feel like minimal concerns, however, if you’re struggling with issues daily then it may be time to consider making lifestyle changes. Digestive problems are one of the most common reasons why people seek medical help; they can hamper everyday activities and routines.
While there are many methods for treating intestinal discomfort, the medical community is increasingly seeking solutions outside of traditional medications and treatment plans. Constant bloating and related stomach issues are diagnosed more and more as symptoms of poor digestion.
As we’ve written about extensively in previous blog posts, the overall health of our gut and digestion is reliant upon whether or not we’re cultivating rich microbiome. Our microbiome is the good bacteria that make-up a large part of our gastrointestinal system and determine the effectiveness of our immune system. When the delicate balance of this bacteria is compromised, it can have a massive impact on our wellbeing.
The good news? There are dietary changes that we can make that will drastically reduce the instances of bloating, IBS, and discomfort. With the careful diagnosis and guidance of a nutritional expert, your trigger foods can be determined and eliminated from your diet. One incredibly common trigger food for many adults is dairy; others might be alcohol, caffeine, gluten, or sugar. I have seen individuals react to many foods you might never expect like chicken, apples or avocados. Every person is different, so finding the foods that you react to is an important first step to eliminating bloating and IBS.
Beginning with an elimination diet may be helpful, though for some individuals food sensitivity testing will provide information to get results much more quickly and effectively. These diets aren’t just about reducing or weight loss; they help figure out how your system reacts to different nutrients and functions at its best.
In addition to an elimination plan, adding foods rich in good bacteria to your diet, lowering or addressing everyday stressors, or exploring potential stomach acid or enzyme deficiency issues may be recommended. While it’s often a process to get at the root of what’s triggering your individual bloating or IBS issues, rest assured, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With a good nutritional plan in your corner, you can overcome your chronic gut problems! Contact the experts at Be Well Nutrition Consulting to get your gut back on track!