With school getting out and kids being at home, the dynamics around the house will inevitably change. This is a good opportunity to mark the passage of time in your child’s life by implementing Feng Shui in their bedroom. Without the rigidity of a school schedule to keep kids occupied, the summer might provide an opportunity to make changes in their room, reflecting corresponding changes in their life.

This will work even if two or more children share a room although it may require some creativity to determine boundaries. It’s also important to engage the support and approval of your child before moving their furniture around or buying some new things. This is especially true of color selection when a child’s idea of a good color may not be yours. It is, after all, just paint. Changing things around does offer many openings for conversations—-not just about color or beds, but about other things as well.

Here are some summer-time questions to ask yourself as you help your child get ready for the next school year. . .

  1. Is their bedroom is still age-appropriate? It may be time to take down the bunny stencils if your son is now 10 or 11. Keep in mind this room is also the place in which some kids can still be, well, kids so those bunny stencils may be important to him. Conversations between you will help determine their fate. This may be the time to also go through toys, games, and books to see if they have outgrown them. What a great opportunity to teach them about giving back as you pack up their old things to give to a charity.
  2. Is there some place in the room where your child can respect their schoolwork? This could be a desk (ideal) or a table or counter where their books/backpack/papers can be stacked. Providing a place for your child to manage this part of their lives tells them how much you respect their learning. Letting books land wherever they may is a loud and clear message about your indifference. This doesn’t mean they can’t study in the kitchen while you’re making dinner, but it does mean they have a place where all this belongs when it’s time to eat. 
  3. Is there enough storage space? Sometimes chaos happens simply because there’s nowhere to put stuff. If a child at least has a place where those socks technically can go, he knows there’s a structure in place. Whether the socks get there is another issue. Make sure there is ample closet space and drawer space. Is there a place for the books? A place for toys? A place for memorabilia? Hint: this requires cleaning out which could be another tip altogether but will leave it implied under this one. 
  4. Do they have a headboard? In Feng Shui, the headboard symbolizes support and backing. Make sure it’s substantial enough for your child; make sure it’s attached to the bed-frame; and make sure it’s solid—-no slats or openings. 
  5. Does your child like their room? Perhaps this tip should be first in the line-up of tips. This is a question to ask on a frequent basis. Find out what they don’t like about it and see how you can creatively make it happen. Curtains might create separate “rooms” when children have to share one space. A canopy might provide your child a sense of security. Purple might remind your sensitive child of her favorite flower. Ask and see what they tell you.

By doing some simple things in their room, you can help your kids get through the busy summer still maintaining their own balance, ready for their next level of study.