Here are some common Animal Health Topics that Acupuncture may help with:
Allergies and other immune system disorders
Behavioral problems
Chiropractic adjustment follow-up visits; can be helpful same-day or next-day as your animal's Chiro appointment and increase effectiveness of the adjustment
Chronic organ dysfunction, especially liver & kidney
Chronic skin disease
Chronic digestive problems, such as chronic diarrhea, gastric ulcers, & poor digestion
Degenerative joint disease, especially hip dysplasia & chronic arthritis
Fertility problems
Geriatric wellness
Heel pain syndrome
Neurologic disorders, such as intervertebral disc disease, degenerative myelopathy, facial nerve paralysis, radial nerve paralysis, & muscle atrophy
Pain relief, especially musculoskeletal pain
Performance problems, such as back pain, sore muscles, tendon/ligament strain, & joint pain
Poorly healing wounds, such as lick granulomas and lower limb injuries in horses
Pre- and post-operative therapy for ligament injuries
Reproductive problems
Respiratory issues
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